Gout Treatment in Ayurveda

Reduce Swelling, Relieve Joints Pain & Normalize Uric Acid with Ayurvedic Medicines, Panchakarma, Diet & Lifestyle Changes

Gout Treatment in Ayurveda

Reduce Swelling, Relieve Joints Pain & Normalize Uric Acid with Ayurvedic Medicines, Panchakarma, Diet & Lifestyle Changes

What is Gout?

Gout is a type of arthritis caused by the accumulation of uric acid crystals in our body’s joints and other tissues. The pain usually starts with the big toe; however, it can also affect other joints such as the ankle, heel, knee, wrist, elbow, fingers, and spine.

In this disorder, intense joint pain, prolonged irritation, swelling of the joints, redness, and tenderness are common, and the patient also suffers from fever and muscle rigidity. In the chronic phase of this disease, severe complications can appear in the body, such as forming kidney stones.

Causes of Gout

  • Improper digestion due to intake of incompatible foods (unusually excessive protein intake).
  • Non-elimination of metabolic wastes from the body.
  • Hereditary factors especially the inherited diseases like thyroid.
  • Middle-aged men, as well as postmenopausal women, are more likely to get gout.
  • Overconsumption of alcohol.
  • Medical conditions like thyroid, high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea, etc.

Preventions for Gout

  • The best way to prevent gout is to keep away from foods that are high in uric acid. The list includes alcohol, specific kind of seafood, organ meats, and red meats. Try to consume these in moderation and you will be fine.
  • Keep away from smoking and over-drinking.
  • Learn to exercise on a regular basis.
  • Drinking less water can be a big reason for higher uric acid in the bloodstream. So, make sure that you drink enough water everyday.
  • Maintaining a healthy weight can save you from endless health problems including gout. Many people have higher uric acid content but still have no adverse symptoms because of a healthy weight.
  • If you are suffering from any medical condition or are on medications that put you at risk of gout, please consult your doctor to help you with medicines that lower the risk of gout.

Signs and Symptoms of Gout

Joint Pain
  • Some people have high uric acid content in their blood but it shows no symptoms. The condition is known as asymptomatic gout.
  • If a person has acute gout then the symptoms will show up more quickly. They will have severe joint pain due to uric acid crystals buildup within 3-10 days.
  • Intense pain and swelling are common in all gout patients.
  • Some patients also report a warm sensation in their joints.

Types of Gout

  • Acute and chronic are the two clinical stages of Gout. Acute Gout is the stage when uric acid suddenly increases in the body due to a specific reason. The resulting inflammation, swelling, and pain usually trigger at night and increase over the next few hours.

    Chronic stage develops in people with Gout whose uric acid levels remain high over several years. With frequent disease attacks, the pain may persist continuously. This condition can damage the joints, which can reduce the patient’s mobility.

Diagnosis and Gout Treatment in Ayurveda

  • For diagnosis, doctors look into the medical history, symptoms, and physical exam of the patient. The diagnosis is made on the basis of joint pain, frequency of pain, and redness in the swollen area. If needed, the doctor may also check for uric acid buildup in the patient’s joints.

    In Ayurveda, gout is known as Vatarakta. Vata dosha, Pitta dosha, and Rakta Dhatu vitiate due to several etiological factors to cause Vatarakta or Gout.

    Ayurvedic Gout treatment varies from patient to patient depending upon the degrees of the dosha vitiation. Several procedures like Kizhiswedan, Snehpana, Virechan, and Vasti help significantly for Ayurvedic treatment of Gout.

Diet and Lifestyle Changes for Gout

  • A high protein, high salt diet, fast food, fried food, dairy products, alcohol use, and tobacco can increase the symptoms and be discouraged.

    Easily digestible food, fruits, steamed or boiled vegetables, whole grains, proper physical exercises, and yoga help prevent Gout and be encouraged.

Our Approach To Gout Treatment

Ayurvedic Treatment

An Ayurveda doctor examines the various aspects of the patient's diet, lifestyle, and symptoms. Blood tests help to confirm the diagnosis and to assess the severity of the disease. X-rays can also be taken for the affected joints to know if there is any joint deformity. After a detailed evaluation, the doctor prescribes Ayurveda medicines, diet, and lifestyle changes for Gout's initial stage cases. For advanced and chronic cases, the doctor prescribes Panchakarma therapies along with Ayurveda medicines. It may take about three months to a year for a complete recovery. A Gout patient can consult with our experts either by visiting the hospital or by an online video consultation to get answers to all the doubts and know the exact treatment line.

Let’s Know About Gout

Gout has been rising steadily all over the world. It is directly related to high uric acid content and obesity. Most women get gout after menopause while men usually get it for various reasons. It is a painful condition that can easily ruin your senior years.

It is better to find out the most prevalent and effective gout cures and which of them will suit you most. If you are looking for herbal and holistic treatment, then gout treatment in Ayurveda has the most promising answer for you. Want to know how? Keep reading the article to the end.

The Benefits of Ayurveda for Gout treatment at Prakash Nethralaya

Investigates The Root Cause

The Ayurvedic approach to illness looks for the fundamental causes of the disease rather than symptoms. The main causative factor of the disease is removed from the patient's daily routine. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment is decided from the available two directions as per the classics. First one is Shodhan (detoxification) to clean the body with the help of Panchakarma therapies and the another is Shaman (balancing the doshas) by using Ayurveda medicines, diet correction and lifestyle adjustments. Detoxification with Panchakarma improves the efficacy of Ayurveda medicines in chronic and advanced cases.

Medicines Are Safe To Take

Ayurveda medications are not manufactured in a synthetic or chemical form but in their natural state. Because of this, the herbs are gentle on the body, and there is no chance of side effect or adverse reactions, regardless of the length of time the patient takes them. At Prakash Nethralaya, we use the best quality Ayurveda medicines to ensure the safest and fastest recovery. There is in house processing and dispensing of the medicines for our patients. A few medicines are made available from the good manufacturing companies also.

Uses Holistic Strategy

Ayurveda is based on the idea that each person has a distinct personality and body type and, as a result, their treatment. Ayurveda places more emphasis on treating the patient rather than treating the ailment. The physical composition of two different people with the same ailment may need a different therapeutic approach. An Ayurveda expert at Prakash Nethralaya uses this body type analysis and then reaches at a conclusion of diagnosis and the line of treatment. Accordingly our doctors prescribe the diet, lifestyle changes, yoga, Ayurveda medicines, and Panchakarma therapies.