Case Study on Treatment of Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy
Mrs. Monika Gupta, 34 year old lady from Meeruth, U.P. is a known case of insulin dependent diabetes mellitus since last 15 years. Because of uncontrolled diabetes she developed retinopathy. One day morning she noticed some heaviness in left eye with highly foggy vision.She consulted in conventional system and doctors told her that her eye is filled with blood and laser treatment is compulsory for the bleeding vessels of the retina. She underwent the same in both eyes but the vision was still deteriorating. Then she came to know about Prakash Nethralaya and found that there is ayurvedic treatment of diabetic retinopathy. she was hospitalized for a period of about 3 weeks. Her vision started improving from the very 1st day. At the time of admission, her vision was 6/36 in rt. Eye and cf 1mt. in lt eye. After a continuous treatment of about 6months, her vision improved to 6/18 in rt. eye and 6/9 in lt. eye.