Everything About Eye Allergy and its Ayurvedic Treatment

Allergic conjunctivitis is a non-contagious inflammation in the whites of the eye due to seasonal changes. Get rid of pain, itching, redness, and watering caused due to eye allergy naturally through Ayurvedic treatment. The Ayurvedic treatment for eye allergy includes some Panchakarma therapies that increase the eyes’ immunity against allergies permanently.

Everything About Eye Allergy and its Ayurvedic Treatment

Allergic conjunctivitis is a non-contagious inflammation in the whites of the eye due to seasonal changes. Get rid of pain, itching, redness, and watering caused due to eye allergy naturally through Ayurvedic Treatment. The Ayurvedic eye treatment for eye allergy includes some Panchakarma therapies that increase the eyes’ immunity against allergies permanently.

Watch This Video

Watch this video to understand your disease better. Know about eye allergy or conjunctivitis, an Ayurvedic Diagnosis and learn how Ayurveda treats it effectively and naturally.

Diagnosis and Eye Allergy Treatment in Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, all three doshas, i.e., Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, participate in an allergic reaction. Allergy is a generalized body’s reaction whose impact is seen on the eyes. Hence, generalized treatment modalities help to calm down the overall immune response. It is possible to cure allergic conjunctivitis or eye allergy permanently through Ayurveda and Panchakarma therapies too without any side effects. Most of the patients respond well to the Eye Allergy. Vaman and Virechan are the most important eye itching natural remedies in Panchakarma to treat body allergies. Netradhara, Swedan over eyes, Pindi, Vidalak, and Tharpana, are the local procedures that relieve the symptoms. Ayurvedic medicines for eye allergy help to strengthen the immune system for long-term maintenance. Also, Ayurvedic eye drops for itching have a crucial role to play.

What is Eye Allergy?

Allergic conjunctivitis or eye allergy is non-contagious inflammation of the white part of the eye. Generally, eye allergy develops in the hay season or the changing climate. Eye allergy can affect people of any age but is usually seen in children and adolescents age. Allergic conjunctivitis or eye allergy is a recurrent condition, and the symptoms come and go with every changing climate or contact with an allergen. Eye allergy treatment focuses on decreasing the effect of allergens and increases eyes’ immunity against them.

Causes of Eye Allergy

Pollens from trees, grass, air pollution, animal fur and secretions, smoke, perfumes, skin cosmetics, specific food items, insect bites, genetic factors, and certain medicines can play the role of allergens, initiating an inflammatory chain reaction in the eyes.

What are the Symptoms of Eye Allergy?

In allergic pink eyes, the eyes become reddened, swollen, itchy, photosensitive, watery, hot, and painful due to the release of certain chemical mediators like Histamine from the body.

Pain in Eyes





Eye Allergy Prevention, Diet, and Lifestyle Changes

Apply a cold compress over the eyes if burning and redness are more, and apply a hot compress if itching, pain, and watering are more. Avoid rubbing the eyes completely.
Avoid using cosmetics, avoid going out during hay season or wear sunglasses, use an air purifier at home, and keep the pets clean to prevent eye allergy episodes.

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Our Approach To Eye Allergy Treatment

Ayurvedic Treatment

The Ayurveda doctor at Prakash Nethralaya takes a holistic approach while examining the patient of eye allergy. A detailed analysis makes a list of all the improvable lifestyle factors of the patient’s clinical history. Ayurveda doctor guides for self-care and diet modifications. The majority of the patients respond well to Ayurveda medicines alone in the initial stages. The doctor prescribes Panchakarma therapies for advanced cases. It may take about one year for complete recovery from the symptoms. The patient can consult with our Ayurvedic eye specialist either by visiting the clinic or online video consultation.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Eye allergy or conjunctivitis is a recurrent health issue, it can recur whenever the allergen gets back into the atmosphere. Ayurvedic medications can strengthen the immunity of the eyes against allergens. Ayurvedic therapies like Netradhara, Pindi, and Tharpana are the best eye allergy natural remedy that can help in relieving the symptoms.


There are various home remedies like cold compress can help with redness and burning while hot compresses alleviate watering, pain, and itching. Ayurvedic treatment for red eyes i.e. allergy is a widely accepted alternative. It cures the condition without any side-effects.


Ayurveda uses several natural medicines to treat eye allergy. The commonly used Ayurvedic medicines for eye itching are HaridraKhand, MahatraiphalaGhrta, Drakshadi Ghrita, etc. These medicines alleviate the symptoms and reduce redness, itching and irritation. Some are also useful in strengthening the immunity of the eyes to stop the recurrence of infection.


Cold and hot compresses are the best natural remedies for eye allergies. They can help in reducing watering, pain, redness, irritation, and itching. Then there are some Ayurvedic therapies like Tharpana, Vidalak, and Pindi to alleviate the symptoms.


Ayurveda takes care of eye allergies with medications and natural therapies. It uses herbal medications like HaridraKhanta, Mahatriphala Ghrita, Triphala churna and Drakshadi Ghrita to relieve the symptoms of eye allergy. Natural therapies like Pindi, Bidalaka, Nethadhara, etc. are also used to strengthen the overall immunity of the eyes. There are also some Ayurvedic eye drops for allergy that are used in relieving the symptoms.


Cold and hotpresses are very helpful. Also, some of the normal things like turmeric, and doctor prescribed herbal eye drops can also be very helpful in relieving irritation, itching, and watering during conjunctivitis. The patients must abstain from rubbing their eyes and wear sunglasses while moving out when the season is changing.