Uveitis Treatment in Ayurveda

Reduce and Stop the Recurrence of Inflammation Through ayurvedic treatment for uveitis with Medicines, Eye Drops & Lifestyle Suggestions

Ayurvedic Treatment of Uveitis

Reduce and Stop the Recurrence of Inflammation Through Ayurvedic Treatment, Medicines, Eye Drops & Lifestyle Suggestions

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Watch this video to understand your disease better. Know about uveitis Ayurvedic diagnosis and learn how Ayurveda treats it effectively and naturally.

About Uveitis Eye Disease

Let’s Know about Uveitis

Uveitis is a recurrent eye inflammation in the middle layer of the eyeball called the uvea. Uvea includes the ciliary body, iris, and choroid. There can be several reasons for this inflammation. Some of them are eye injuries, eye infections like herpes and ocular tuberculosis, eye tumours, and autoimmune diseases. The Ayurvedic eye treatment for uveitis includes various Panchakarma therapies that detoxify the eyes and remove the cause of inflammation. Along with this, they also increase the immunity of the eye against any other infections that may lead to inflammation. It is one of the safest and most reliable uveitis treatment in India

Types of Uveitis

Anterior Uveitis, Intermediate Uveitis, and Posterior Uveitis (Choroiditis) are three types based on the layer of uvea affected. Panuveitis is a condition of inflammation of all three layers of the uvea.

Causes of Uveitis

Stress is the primary root cause by which the immune cells' psychology gets disturbed and attacks their body tissues. Imbalanced lifestyle, materialistic targets of life, unsatisfied life goals, unhealthy eating habits, and erratic sleep patterns work together to increase the immune cells' confusion and irritation.

Symptoms of Uveitis

Swollen Eyes

Pain and Redness

Eye Floaters

Floaters and Flashes

Blurred Vision

Blurred Vision



The common symptoms include pain, redness, and burning sensation in the eyes, increased sensitivity to light, seeing floaters & flashes, and progressive blurriness in vision. Prakash Nethralaya follows a holistic approach and provides effective relief in all these symptoms with Ayurvedic Treatment for uveitis.

Diagnosis And Uveitis Treatment In Ayurveda

Conventional modern steroids and immunosuppressants seem to suppress the symptoms rather than curing the disease and have many side effects on the body. So, it is better to consider a natural cure for uveitis. Pitta and Kapha are the two doshas vitiated at the eye level with systemic involvement. Uveitis Ayurveda treatment focuses on a 360-degree approach starting from detoxifying the body by Panchakarma therapies to diet modifications and reducing the eye inflammation naturally without steroids.Ayurveda therapies like Vaman, Virechan, Netradhara, Kizhiswedan, and Tharpan are done for detoxification. Ayurvedic eye drops for uveitis, too, have a crucial role to play in healing and treatment.In most patients, recurrence of inflammation can be prevented successfully provided they follow a disciplined lifestyle and diet along with Ayurvedic medicines for uveitis. The recovery duration may range from 6 months to a year time or sometimes, even more, depending on the patient’s condition.

Uveitis Prevention: Diet And Lifestyle Changes

The use of curd, citrus, and sour foods, fried and heavily digested food, and sweets will create resistance in healing and should be discouraged. The use of easily digested foodstuffs will enhance the healing process and should be encouraged. Do not put materialistic targets in life and enjoy the “Go with the flow” nature of life. Do not stick emotionally to situations with negative energy. Do morning walk, exercise. Yoga is a potent tool to calm down the confused and angry immune cells.

Why Choose Prakash Nethralaya?

50,000+ Patients Successfully Treated

Experienced Doctors

Uses Holistic Strategy

100% Effective and Natural Medicines

Investigates The Root Cause

Our Approach To Uveitis Treatment

Ayurvedic Treatment

We at Prakash Nethralaya, take a holistic approach for the treatment of Uveitis. The patient consults with the doctor either in the clinic or by online video consultation. The doctor reviews the previous reports thoroughly and tries to find the lifestyle, diet, mental state, psychological thought process, and digestion errors. Then a plan for the treatment is finalized. In the initial stage, medicines alone are sufficient to take care of the disease. Still, in most cases, panchakarma therapies are helpful for the permanent cure of Uveitis. After assessing the digestive fire, the doctor prescribes Snehpana, Virechan, Thakradhara, Netradhara, Kizhiswedan, and tharpana with specified medicines. Our yoga doctors guide for yoga practices. The treatment may continue for about six months to a year. An online video consultation can clear all the doubts about the disease.

Success Stories of Ayurveda

Thousands have experienced relief after treatment at Prakash Nethralaya Get long-term relief from your problems.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ayurveda offers the best and safest uveitis eye treatment. It takes an all-round approach to the problem that involves detoxification of the body through panchakarma therapies, diet changes, and some lifestyle modifications. The USP of this treatment lies in the reduction of eye inflammation without steroids.

The ayurvedic treatment for uveitis may range from 3-6 months depending on the condition of the patient. It is a slightly slow process but the specialists explain that the slow speed of treatment ensures eradication of the disease by root and the least chances of its repetition in near future.

Yes, there is. It is the reason why Ayurveda is a recommended stream for Uveitis treatment. Ayurvedic therapies and medicines can cure uveitis permanently without any side-effects. The Panchkarma therapies used in the process detoxify the body on the deepest level thereby eliminating the root cause of this problem and ensuring complete treatment in the long run.


No, you do not need surgery for uveitis as a natural alternative is present in Ayurveda. It can treat the problem permanently without steroids and surgery through natural therapies and herbal medications.

Uveitis natural treatment includes Ayurvedic therapies and medications. Ayurveda cures uveitis through herbal medications and various Panchakarma therapies. Depending on the condition of the patient, the total duration of treatment may vary from 3-6 months, but the problem can be cured naturally through Ayurveda.