GERD Treatment in Ayurveda

Relieve Acid Refluxes, Heartburn, Pain & Other Symptoms with Ayurvedic Medicines, Diet & Lifestyle Changes

GERD Treatment in Ayurveda

Relieve Acid Refluxes, Heartburn, Pain & Other Symptoms with Ayurvedic Medicines, Diet & Lifestyle Changes

Let’s Know about GERD

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is a medical condition that causes acid movement from the stomach to the chest and throat. It is an uncomfortable condition that adds a bitter sour taste to the back of one’s mouth.

If continued, the condition may lead to more problems like asthma or chronic cough. Ayurveda offers an effective GERD treatment that cures the disease permanently in a holistic way.

What Is GERD?

GERD is a digestive disorder where stomach acid, stomach juice, and other fluids back up to the oesophagus. This acid reflux can irritate the oesophagus lining. GERD can affect people of all age groups. GERD symptoms are very mild in some people, and in others, the symptoms are highly irritating and with high frequency.

Symptoms of GERD

GERD symptoms include chest pain, acidic taste in the mouth, bad breath, regurgitation of food or sour liquid, breathing problems, chronic cough, and disturbed sleep.

Chronic Cough
Heartburn and Pain
Vomiting Sensation
Disturbed sleep of a women due to uterine fibroid
Disturbed sleep

Complications of GERD

GERD is not a serious problem but it may result in some uncomfortable conditions. Sometimes, in some intense conditions, it may result in some life-threatening health problems. It is a good idea to have an idea about the complications it may lead to:

  1. Esophagitis: Inflammation in the esophagus.
  2. Esopahgeal Stricture: Narrowing or tightening of the esopahgus.
  3. Barrett’s Esophagus: Permanent changes in the innermost lining of the esophagus.
  4. Asthma: Chronic cough and breathing problems due to the high acid content transferred from the stomach to the lungs.
  5. Esophageal Cancer: It is a rare condition that only affects people with Barrett’s esophagus.
  6. Several dental problems like gum diseases, erosion of tooth enamel, etc.

Causes of GERD

A band of muscle lining the oesophagus allows the food and fluid into the stomach and closes again. Inadequate closure of the oesophagal sphincter due to muscle weakness or any other reason allows the stomach contents to flow back to the oesophagus. The backflow irritates the oesophagus lining causing symptoms of GERD. There are a few other noted causes for GERD:

  • Connective tissue disorders
  • Obesity
  • Pregnancy
  • Hiatal hernia
  • Chain-smoking
  • Overeating
  • The habit of sleeping right after eating
  • Overconsumption of deep-fried and spicy foods
  • Regular drinking of strong beverages like alcohol, coffee, and soda
  • Usage of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen or aspirin

Preventions for GERD

Unlike other medical conditions, it is possible to prevent GERD. Following are some preventive measures you may take:

  1. The first thing you may want to do is get control over your weight. It is one of the leading reasons for GERD.
  2. You must learn to stay away from reflux causing substances like fatty foods, fried food, citrus food, mint, chocolate, onions, carbonated beverages, caffeinated beverage, etc.
  3. Overeating is one of the leading reasons for GERD. An appropriate measure is to eat smaller meals that decreases the pressure on the esophagus.
  4. Try not to lie down immediately after eating. Take a walk or do your normal chores but try to maintain a gap of three hours between your meal and your nap.
  5. If you are on any special medications that may increase acidic reflux, you must speak to your doctor about it.
  6. Chain-smoking and over-drinking must be avoided.
  7. Avoid tight wearing clothes or belts, they may constrict your stomach and lead to acidic reflux.

Diagnosis and GERD Treatment

The doctor confirms GERD’s diagnosis by clinical symptoms, an X-Ray of the upper digestive tract, and an endoscopy. Patients with obesity, pregnancy, smoking, hiatus hernia, side effects of certain medicines like antidepressants and sleeping pills are at higher risk of GERD.

According to Ayurveda, GERD comes under the heading of ‘Ajeerna.’ Reduced digestive fire due to Pitta vitiation and Vaat and Kapha involvement in different proportions lead to various clinical symptoms. Herbal medications and Panchakarma therapies are used together for GERD natural treatment.

Ayurveda emphasizes the root cause of the problem and then designing an individual’s treatment plan. It is possible to cure GERD naturally with Ayurveda treatment in almost 100% of cases.

Our Approach To GERD Treatment

Ayurvedic Treatment

Our Ayurveda expert examines the patient's symptoms, clinical history, diet, and lifestyle pattern. The doctor finds the dosha vitiation and plans for the treatment. A patient with GERD needs to follow Ayurveda medicines, diet, and lifestyle changes, as suggested by the doctor. Ayurveda medicines calm down the Pitta and make Vaat to flow in a normal direction. A patient with GERD requires Ayurvedic treatment for a minimum of 3 months for a complete cure. The GERD patient can consult with our doctor either by visiting the hospital or online video consultation.

Diet & Lifestyle Changes for GERD

As a part of GERD Ayurvedic treatment, it is essential to make required changes to diet and lifestyle.

  • Diet modifications, lifestyle correction, Ayurveda herbal medicines, and Panchakarma therapies in advanced and chronic cases ensure GERD’s complete cure.
  • Tea, coffee, aerated cold drinks, processed and fermented food, fast food, pickles, sour, spicy, salty foodstuff, tobacco, alcohol, and mental stress will increase the GERD symptoms. A patient should avoid these kinds of stuff.
  • A GERD patient should use sufficient water, natural, healthy, and easily digestible food, timely food, fruits and vegetables, regular exercise, yoga, and a sound and timely sleep to recover from the disease.

The Benefits of Ayurveda for GERD treatment at Prakash Nethralaya

Investigates The Root Cause

The Ayurvedic approach to illness looks for the fundamental causes of the disease rather than symptoms. The main causative factor of the disease is removed from the patient's daily routine. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment is decided from the available two directions as per the classics. First one is Shodhan (detoxification) to clean the body with the help of Panchakarma therapies and the another is Shaman (balancing the doshas) by using Ayurveda medicines, diet correction and lifestyle adjustments. Detoxification with Panchakarma improves the efficacy of Ayurveda medicines in chronic and advanced cases.

Medicines Are Safe To Take

Ayurveda medications are not manufactured in a synthetic or chemical form but in their natural state. Because of this, the herbs are gentle on the body, and there is no chance of side effect or adverse reactions, regardless of the length of time the patient takes them. At Prakash Nethralaya, we use the best quality Ayurveda medicines to ensure the safest and fastest recovery. There is in house processing and dispensing of the medicines for our patients. A few medicines are made available from the good manufacturing companies also.

Uses Holistic Strategy

Ayurveda is based on the idea that each person has a distinct personality and body type and, as a result, their treatment. Ayurveda places more emphasis on treating the patient rather than treating the ailment. The physical composition of two different people with the same ailment may need a different therapeutic approach. An Ayurveda expert at Prakash Nethralaya uses this body type analysis and then reaches at a conclusion of diagnosis and the line of treatment. Accordingly our doctors prescribe the diet, lifestyle changes, yoga, Ayurveda medicines, and Panchakarma therapies.