Ayurvedic Treatment for Skin Rashes and Itching

Reduce Itchiness and Rashes on Skin with Ayurvedic Medicines and Diet Suggestions

Ayurvedic Treatment for Skin Rashes and Itching

Reduce Itchiness and Rashes on Skin with Ayurvedic Medicines and Diet Suggestions

Let’s Know about Skin Rashes and Itching

Skin is the largest organ in the human body with its own set of functions and complications. Skin rashes and itching is a common skin problem that affects a considerable part of our population. It is characterized by constant inflammation, itching, and irritation. However, this condition can be treated with medication and therapies. Ayurvedic treatment for skin rashes and itching is a widely accepted approach for this problem.

What Are Skin Rashes And Itching?

An abnormal change in skin texture or colour is known as skin rashes. Skin rashes are usually accompanied by inflammation, irritation, and itching. There are several types of rashes, including lichen planus, eczema, pityriasis rosea, and granuloma annulare. It affects people from age groups and genders. Ayurveda offers an all-natural and side-effect free treatment for skin rashes and itching.

Complications And Risks

Sometimes, skin rashes indicate serious problems like kidney dysfunction, leukaemia, or diabetes. If the reasons aren’t that serious, it gets better with proper treatment and medication. If not, then the patient needs to go for high-level checkups. In either case, it is essential to visit a doctor and find out the exact cause behind it. Also, sometimes, skin problems are contagious i.e. they spread with touch. It may be dangerous if you have small kids or old age patients in your home. Quick diagnosis and treatment is the safest option in both cases.

Symptoms of Skin Rashes and Itching

Change in Skin Texture
Formation of small fluid-filled blisters
High skin sensitivity
  • Itchiness
  • Change in skin texture
  • Inflammation
  • Formation of small fluid-filled blisters
  • Dry scaly or leathery skin from constant scratching
  • High skin sensitivity
  • Red bumps on various parts of the body
  • Lacy red patterns all over the body or some local regions
  • Spots on general areas of the body
  • Skin looks irritated, red, and wet

Causes for Skin Rashes and Itching

Skin rashes and itching may affect your complete body or a small local spot. The severity of this condition varies according to the cause behind it. Here is a generalized view of the causes behind skin rashes:

Skin Conditions

Skin conditions like eczema, dermatographism, eczema, and dermatitis may result in rashes and itching. Also, skin infections like scabies, pinworms, lice, mites, bed bugs, fungal rashes, measles, and chickenpox are common causes of rashes and itching.


Though it is not common, some women experience itching and rashes due to hormonal surge during pregnancy. It may be due to some preexisting condition sometimes which gets worse due to pregnancy.


Specific substances like poison ivy, a substance released from insect bites, and allergies like food allergies may result in itching and skin rashes.

Internal Disorders

Serious internal disorders like kidney failure, lymphoma, thyroid disease, leukaemia, anaemia, cirrhosis, or bile duct obstruction may result in generalized itching and skin rashes.


Antifungal and antibiotic medications often cause widespread itching and rashes. Anticonvulsant and pain relievers are also included in this category of causes.

Disorders Related To Nervous System

Certain nerve-related diseases like neuropathy, shingles, multiple sclerosis, and diabetes can also lead to skin problems.

Diet and Lifestyle Changes

Patients suffering from skin problems like rashes must stay hydrated, they must include salad and fruits in their diet. Your final diet will be decided by your doctor depending on the kind of Dosha imbalance in your body. As for lifestyle, you must stay away from stressful conditions, allergens, and pollution to keep your skin problem from getting worse. Yoga and breathing exercises may also be beneficial in proper skincare.

Diagnosis and Ayurvedic Treatment for Skin Rashes and Itching

Ayurveda explains skin problems as a result of a lack of maintenance of any of the three Doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Lifestyle issues or dietary problems may result in skin problems. If there is a Vata imbalance, it will make your skin dry and rough with cracks and fissures. Pitta disorders lead to burning pain, redness, ulceration, fever and pus formation. While Kapha imbalance results in skin discolouration, swelling, itching, and retention of fluids.

Ayurvedic treatment for skin diseases is a combination of therapies and medications. The patient will also need to make dietary changes depending on the Dosha that needs to be pacified. Medications help in managing skin irritation, reducing itchiness, and eliminating the root cause of the problem. Panchakarma therapies like lepam (face packs with medicinal herbs), udhwarthanam (massage with dry herbal powders), and dhoopanam (medicated fumigation), Virechana, Dhara, Snehana, etc. are used as per the patient’s condition. The best medicine for skin rashes and itching is the one that your doctor prescribes you, so it is advised not to take medicines without a doctor’s consultation.

Preventions for Skin Rashes

  • Keep the affected area clean by washing it with a natural cleanser.
  • Sweat and wetness increase irritation and itching in skin rashes, so stay away from them.
  • Drink sufficient water to keep your system and skin hydrated.
  • Avoid wearing tight and skin-hugging clothes in hot and humid weather.
  • If you are in a tropical area, wear cotton clothes instead of synthetic or thick fabric-based attires.
  • Take a bath every day and moisturize your skin regularly with chemical-free products.

The Benefits of Ayurveda for Skin Rashes treatment at Prakash Nethralaya

Investigates The Root Cause

The Ayurvedic approach to illness looks for the fundamental causes of the disease rather than symptoms. The main causative factor of the disease is removed from the patient's daily routine. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment is decided from the available two directions as per the classics. First one is Shodhan (detoxification) to clean the body with the help of Panchakarma therapies and the another is Shaman (balancing the doshas) by using Ayurveda medicines, diet correction and lifestyle adjustments. Detoxification with Panchakarma improves the efficacy of Ayurveda medicines in chronic and advanced cases.

Medicines Are Safe To Take

Ayurveda medications are not manufactured in a synthetic or chemical form but in their natural state. Because of this, the herbs are gentle on the body, and there is no chance of side effect or adverse reactions, regardless of the length of time the patient takes them. At Prakash Nethralaya, we use the best quality Ayurveda medicines to ensure the safest and fastest recovery. There is in house processing and dispensing of the medicines for our patients. A few medicines are made available from the good manufacturing companies also.

Uses Holistic Strategy

Ayurveda is based on the idea that each person has a distinct personality and body type and, as a result, their treatment. Ayurveda places more emphasis on treating the patient rather than treating the ailment. The physical composition of two different people with the same ailment may need a different therapeutic approach. An Ayurveda expert at Prakash Nethralaya uses this body type analysis and then reaches at a conclusion of diagnosis and the line of treatment. Accordingly our doctors prescribe the diet, lifestyle changes, yoga, Ayurveda medicines, and Panchakarma therapies.