Ayurvedic treatment for eye allergy

Get Permanent Relief From Eye Allergy : Symptoms, Causes, and Ayurvedic Treatment

Are you suffering from allergic redness and constant itching in your eyes? It could be allergic conjunctivitis, which is a chronic eye allergy and is a common condition that occurs because of some allergens. The allergens like pollen, dust, mould or other things that can induce allergy reactions are the reason behind this conjunctivitis. It is not easy to hold all these allergens, but the treatment can help to suppress symptoms. Conventional medicines are required to be taken every day. Eye allergy treatment in Ayurveda can help in controlling the symptoms and reducing the effect of chronic conditions even with contact with allergens.

Ayurvedic treatment provides a holistic approach to managing the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis. The symptoms, like itchy eyes, watery eyes, redness, swelling and burning sensations can make it a problem in day-to-day activities. Ayurvedic treatment targets these symptoms and manages them through balancing the lifestyle and cultivating healthy habits.

Understanding the Ayurvedic approach to allergy conjunctivitis 

Ayurveda has cured several diseases that are incurable through conventional medicine. The ancient Indian system of medicine is not just targeting a single symptom or problem but focussing on a holistic approach to managing the disease, like allergic conjunctivitis. The major focus is to balance body doshas which are the vital energy useful in strengthening the overall immune system.

The approach of Ayurveda is to change food habits. It focuses on avoiding allergens in focusing on essential foods that help in calming down the body and digestive enzymes to balance pitta. The major lifestyle modification of avoiding these allergens in managing stress is important along with herbal remedies. The several therapies in Ayurveda help to balance the body’s functioning. They also provide some home remedies to manage the symptoms properly.

Approach to healing with Ayurveda 

Allergic conjunctivitis is the reaction of your eyes to certain allergens. Ayurveda focuses on healing the whole person, not just symptoms. The holistic approach for allergic conjunctivitis is to identify and avoid triggers for the chronic condition. It is important to keep track of your environment and food habits. It is important to nourish your body with a healthy diet, hydration and limiting the suspicion of food to avoid allergies. It is important to identify the triggering food or environment, and it is best to avoid them or go for medication and remedies if you encounter these suspected allergens. 

Although there are a lot of conventional medicines and treatments available, a chronic condition is somewhat difficult to cure. It is important to focus on herbal and contemporary therapy for overall treatment. Herbal remedies include natural ingredients that provide an anti-inflammatory effect.

Causes and symptoms of chronic conjunctivitis 

Chronic conjunctivitis, or allergic conjunctivitis, is a persistent feeling of inflammation of the conjunctiva. The thin, clear membrane covers the white part of the human eye and the inner surface of the eyelids.

The allergic reactions are generally caused by allergens like pollens, dust, pet hairs, mould, smoke or certain medications.

The immune system reacts when it comes to allergens. The immune system releases certain chemicals that cause inflammation in the eyes and that eventually result in causing a variety of symptoms. The symptoms are making daily life hard. 

The symptoms are itchy and watery eyes, redness, swelling, burning sensation, light sensitivity, and very thick mucus discharge. Other diseases that turn into chronic conjunctivitis. 

  • Bacterial infection 
  • Viral infection 
  • Glaucoma 
  • Blepharitis, which is inflammation of the eyelids.

The symptoms are the indicator of chronic conjunctivitis, and it needs immediate attention from a doctor, which helps to determine the cause and appropriate treatment for it.

Misguided as chronic conjunctivitis 

Some possible conditions are usually mistaken for chronic conjunctivitis because they share common or similar symptoms. These are some conditions that are misdiagnosed, usually as chronic conjunctivitis.

Dry eyes: Sometimes the eyes do not produce enough tears, or sometimes tears evaporate very quickly. This causes dryness in the eyes, which eventually leads to a burning sensation or blurry vision.

Blepharitis: It is the inflammation in eyelets that often occurs due to bacteria or clogging of oil glands. Because of these reasons, eyes start to become red, crusting or scaling of eyelids. They are sometimes misguided as chronic conjunctivitis. 

Corneal ulcer: The sore cornea or the clear outer layer of eyes causes pain, redness, light sensitivity and blurry vision. The symptoms mirror chronic conjunctivitis. The pain, redness and sensitivity start to be seen as chronic conjunctivitis because the condition fluctuates with food habits. 

Glaucoma: The condition damages the optic nerve, and the early stages symptoms are barely visible. It can cause loss of vision. In later stages of glaucoma, redness and thick mucus discharge are common, which is seen as chronic conjunctivitis. However, it is necessary to consider both conditions in cases of symptoms.

Conventional treatment for chronic conjunctivitis 

The conventional treatment for chronic conjunctivitis is usually a combination of managing symptoms and avoiding future flares. The conventional treatment uses the treatment to suppress the reaction of the immune system with medication.

Medication: Medicines like antihistamines, mast cell stabilizers and corticosteroid eye drops are used to prevent the immune response. It has the same reducing swelling, itching and other side effects.

Ayurvedic treatment for chronic conjunctivitis 

For treatment of Eye allergy in Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to managing chronic conjunctivitis by focussing on vital energy and strengthening the immune system instead of suppressing its reaction. 

Dietary changes:

  1. It is important to identify the food that causes the allergic reaction. Then the food should be avoided for any further problem.
  2. Ayurveda suggests taking more cooling foods like cucumber, coconut and yoghurt to calm down body heat and balance the pitta dosha. It helps in soothing out inflammation overall.
  3. The digestive enzymes in foods like papaya and pineapple help to reduce inflammation and increase digestion properly. 

Lifestyle modification:

  1. It is important to minimise exposure to allergens by using home purifiers and avoiding outdoor activities in peak season. 
  2. Relaxation techniques like yoga and meditation, along with deep breathing exercises, help in stress reduction, which can help in reducing the allergic reaction. 

Herbal remedies: 

  1. Triphala is a unique blend of detoxifying properties to balance three doshas to reduce inflammation. 
  2. Amalaki is a rich antioxidant, which helps in strengthening the immune system to reduce allergic symptoms. 
  3. Ashwagandha is also a great medicine to reduce stress and modulate immune responses.

Panchkarma therapies: 

  1. Abhyanga is a full-body massage with herbal oil to relax the body for the reduction of inflammation and improve the proper circulation in the body. 
  2. Nasya is the administration of medicated oil or ghee from the nostrils to reduce nasal congestion and balance the doshas. It helps to reduce eye allergies.


Chronic conjunctivitis is a condition that needs proper focus on balancing life to avoid future flare-ups. Ayurveda provides a holistic approach to health care by promoting overall well-being, especially for chronic conditions like chronic conjunctivitis, which has underlying root causes. 

At Prakash Nethralaya, the focus is on ayurvedic treatment of eye allergy to manage chronic conjunctivitis. We have qualified ayurvedic pregnant and healthcare professionals who determine the best strategy to treat your chronic conjunctivitis. 

Prakash Netralaya, Rajasthan, focuses on providing complete care in treatment according to your specific needs.

For online booking, you can consult online at Prakash Nethralaya.