Cataract Non Surgical Treatment: The Most Serious Cases Treated

Cataract is one of the common and widespread eye diseases, which can also lead to permanent blindness after the concerned patient crosses a specific age in life. As the cataract is persistently spreading darkness among the masses of our country, there is one hospital in Jaipur (India), that is consistently treating the most serious cases of cataract and restoring vision through Ayurveda.

Prakash Nethralaya and Panchakarma Kendra is offering cataract treatment, alike many other serious eye diseases, for many years with hundreds of cases successfully treated at the worst stage. Cataract is one of the few eye diseases that relate to ageing. It can affect one or both the eyes, but cannot transfer from one eye to another.

As Dr. Dinesh Sharma, the founder and an ayurvedic eye specialist of Prakash Nethralaya says

If you are experiencing a chronic phase of cloudy or hazy vision, double vision or night blindness, then it is significant to take the guidance of a qualified medical practitioner to resolve the issue. Additionally, if you are experiencing occasional prescription changes in the eye-glasses, then it is an alarming sign of cataract’. ‘In the certain cases of diabetes, as well as in the individuals habitual to smoking and alcohol consumption, the risk of cataract is quite substantial. People who work or live in an environment that is highly exposed to sunlight could also be entrapped by this eye disorder.

Dr. Dinesh Sharma

Risk of Cataract Surgery

In Modern Science, only cataract surgery can solve the issue. But, surgical process itself has many side effects. There are some risk factors associated with cataract surgery.

The cataract surgery is believed to be one of the effective treatment measure. But, it is an undeniable fact that the cataract surgery is not free from side-effects. Some of the common side effects include mild discomfort and itching, infection, inflammation, bleeding, low or high eye pressure, etc.

Then the question arises, What to do beside cataract surgery then? Is there any cataract non surgical treatment available?

Yes, Ayurveda can help you and catract treatment in ayurveda is 100% natural, safe, effective and of course non-surgical.

Cataract Non-Surgical Treatment

According to Ayurveda, cataract is due to aggravated vata in the body and Vata makes the things dry up. Vata is responsible for making the eye lens loses its transparency that blocks the vision.

Prakash Nethralaya has introduced an effective cataract treatment with Ayurveda. This cataract non surgical treatment has successfully cured hundreds of patients till now.

If ayurvedic cataract treatment started at an early stage, it can be much effective. The natural cataract non-surgical treatment strengthens the nerves and tissues of the eye along with reducing the aggravated body energies. There are a lot of panchakarma therapies and ayurvedic medicines like Mahatriphala Ghrit, Triphala Choorna, Chandrodaya Vati, etc. to remove cataract at an initial stage.