Uveitis is a disease in which inflammation is noticed in the middle part of the eye. This condition is also known as iritis, cyclitis, or choroiditis. Some of the most common symptoms of this disease are redness in the eyes, pain, loss of vision and sensitivity to light. Uveitis may be acute, chronic or recurrent and generally caused due to inflammatory conditions such as herpes zoster, histoplasmosis, toxoplasmosis, or arthritis. This serious condition needs prompt and aggressive treatment. The modern allopathic treatment of uveitis comprises of the use of steroids.
Ayurvedic treatment for uveitis focuses on eliminating the inflammation in the eye and offering soothing effect to the damaged parts of the eye. Ayurvedic medicines are used along with some other medicines that aimed at treating inflammation, reducing the damage to the sensitive parts of the eye and blood vessels. Ayurvedic treatment is also provided in the form of eye drops to prevent the loss of vision. This therapy is sometimes used with Panchkarma treatments to reduce the inflammation in the eyes and treat uveitis. Most of the individuals suffer from uveitis usually need Ayurvedic eye treatment for approx 6 months to get a considerable improvement from this condition. By getting Ayurvedic treatment, Uveitis is cured permanently. This treatment is preferred over allopathic steroid treatment as there is no side effect involved.
Allopathic treatment for uveitis aimed at reducing inflammation and relieving pain in the eye. This treatment includes prescription eye drops or ointments containing corticosteroids to lessen inflammation. Doctors also recommend sunglasses to make you feel comfortable during this condition. For more severe conditions, your doctor may recommend injections of corticosteroids and other medications.
Steroid eye drops are generally used to diminish the inflammation in uveitis. Steroid drops are basically one of the main allopathic treatments for uveitis and mild attacks. Some of the common steroid drops include prednisolone and dexamethasone eye drops.
Though steroid eye drops generally work well for uveitis, but in most of the cases, side-effects may occur, which are sometimes severe. So, steroid eye drops are generally prescribed by an eye specialist who can monitor the condition.
Possible side-effects that may occur with steroid drops include ulcers on the cornea of the eye, which can be painful and affect your vision. If you are using steroid eye drops for long periods of time, it can lead to cataracts or increased pressure in your eye.
If this disease is not treated at an early stage, it can have severe effects and can lead to permanent loss of your vision. Additionally, it can also lead to complications that can affect your vision. If complications are not detected at early stage, they can sometimes have a detrimental effect on your sight.
However, some people choose to undergo allopathic steroid treatment for uveitis and some people prefer Ayurveda treatment for the treatment of uveitis disease. Under allopathic uveitis treatment, of symptoms are suppressed temporarily and this disease may re-occur once the effect is finished. By Ayurveda treatment, the disease can be cured permanently without any side effect. Watch this video on Uveitis for more details.