3 Ayurvedic Home Remedies to Cure Obesity Permanently

Obesity is a disorder in which excess fat appears into the body of sufferer. This is very common kind of disorder. You can cure obesity with simple home based ayurvedic remedies. Basically when the excess fat is accumulated around the human body is obesity. And in the present scenario there are lots of people of different age group who are suffering from this disease. Even obesity can cause in childhood too. Today it is the biggest and most ordinary problem in teenagers. Obesity puts negative effect on the health it may cause, diabetes, heart issues, depression, arthritis, kidney disorder, liver damage.

To avoid the occurrence of obesity disorder it is important to know what the causes responsible for it are. Panchakarma can be proved as one of the best treatment to get rid of this disease naturally. There are high possibilities of causing depession in the patients of obesity at teenage, because of their life style and the social life they are living in.

Causes responsible for obesity

There are many causes which are responsible for the occurrence of obesity few of the common causes are :

  • Improper or bad eating habits
  • Intake of calories in high amount
  • Not enough sleep

Basically these reasons are responsible for obesity. Un-burned calories or excess intake calories are responsible for the fat store in human body and it leads to increase in the body weight and obesity. Other than these some other responsible causes are also there like, hormonal changes, genetic, less physical efforts, pregnancy, tumor in body, etc.

There are too many obesity treatment centers in India, but the most renowned and affordable ayurvedic hospital is Prakash Nethralya and Panchakarma Kendra. The ayurvedic hospital is in media center since very long because of its specialized treatment of eye diseases and general diseases.

Obesity treatment in ayurveda

As we all know ayurveda is ancient science. All the disease cures under it naturally. Instead of obesity treatment drugs ayurveda allows to cure the disease naturally and without the side effects. . Still you are in search of the obesity treatment in India then have a look on the testimonials and case studies of Prakash Nethralya. You can also take the benefits from the medical camps organised by the reputed ayurvedic hospital in India at different locations.

Home based remedies to cure obesity

There are very simple and easy ayurvedic remedies that can help you in curing obesity effectively and permanently. These are the few remedies to overcome from obesity disorder :

  • Take the mixture of long pepper, black pepper and ginger root powder with lukewarm water twice in a day.
  • Prepare a mixture of one spoon full of lime juice, honey and a pinch of black pepper with warm water and have it two times in a day in empty stomach.
  • Boil a cup of water and add mint leaves in it. Put the mixture on boiling for 10-15 minutes after this when the temperature of that mixture become normal add a spoon of honey in it. You can also add a pinch of black pepper for taste and take it thrice in a day.

These remedies are natural and do not have any kind of side effects. One who is suffering from obesity disorder must have to try these remedies and to know more about the obesity disorder and its treatment in ayurveda visit Obesity.